Rule #45: Go Forth And F*ck

Posted by Heather in advice, depraved guy, Rule #45: Go Forth And F*ck, sex

sexy couple

I was just talking to one of my Depraved Guy friends (yep, I go both ways when it comes to depraved advice) who is getting p*ssy thrown at him right and left these days — but he really wants to get back together with an ex.

So of course I told him he better pounce on as much ass as he can right now, and then try to re-connect with his ex.  Not only is it going to make him that much more attractive to his former flame (we have a way of just being able to smell the sex on you), but once he’s back in his relationship, you know he’ll only be getting it like once a week, maybe twice a week on birthdays and Christmas.

“Go forth and f*ck, my friend,” I told him.  And indeed he did!

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