Rule #27: Don’t Act New

Posted by Heather in Rule #27: Don't Act New, slut, virgin


The days of women pretending to be inexperienced virgins to get a guy interested in them are over. This is 2010. Even Hannah Montana is letting her pussy lips flap free in the wind.

And there’s nothing more unattractive than a woman who’s ashamed of her past experience.

Now, I’ve got nothing against actual virgins, just sluts who pretend they’re far more innocent than they are to get a guy.

I’m sure some men are intimidated by an inexperienced woman, but if that’s the case, either move on to someone who can handle your shit or practice the what he know won’t hurt him rule — just keep your number to yourself!

One of my friends in high school used to tell every guy she hooked up with that she was a virgin, so “be gentle.” Well, that may have worked in high school but when she’s out in the clubs, a drink in one hand and a coke straw in the other, that shit just looks stupid and desperate.

Be who you are, whether your number is zero or two zero zero.

As for my number? That’s one secret I’ll never tell.

But feel free to reveal yours in the comments below!

Ask a Depraved Bitch

Posted by Heather in advice, depravity, Facebook, Formspring, Love, sex, Twitter


I’ve recently started answering your sick and sexy questions via Formspring, Facebook and Twitter.

Here’s a little taste of what kinda depravity I’ve been doling out:

Q: My boyfriend recently was injured, he has to wear a back brace when not in bed and an arm sling most of the time for the next 6 to 8 weeks. The doctors told him not to have sex or masturbate for at least 4 to 5 weeks because cumming might actually break his spine. After I was finished laughing I got reallt depressed. It’s been 1 week, neither of us are doing so well. Suggestions?

A: Just because he’s laid up doesn’t mean you can’t get laid! I assume his tongue isn’t in a sling? So sit down on his face and make him get to work!

Q: so me and my guy have been together for a year and we now live together, so sex used to be a frequent thing, now it only happens when HE wants it to happen. what about me? how can i get our sex life back to a mutual thing. -Christina

A: Christina — one question: how are your bj skillz? In my experience, no guy will refuse a hummer, no matter how tired he is. So get to work, then when it’s good ‘n ready, jump on that peen and do your business!

Q: How can you go from being fuck buddies to dating?

A: Right before he slips his peen between your thighs, just close your eyes and imagine you went to dinner first. Cuz that’s the only way you’ll ever get a fuck buddy to date you.

Have you got a question about sex, love or depravity? Ask me here: It’s anonymous!

On the Subject of Length…

Posted by Heather in bangover, length, sex


So there seems to be a common misconception among guys out there.  And it has to do with length.

No, not the length of their schlongs (I’ve already addressed that in “The Myth of Moby Dick”) but the length of the sexy time.

I’m a hit it and quit it type of girl — I like it hard, fast and wet.  But some guys think a girl wants slow romantic sex that lasts for hours!

Once I had sex for about 16 hours straight — of course we did it with the aid of pharmaceuticals — but after an all-night sex sesh, not only did I emerge from the room with the biggest beard burn you’ve ever seen (I looked like I had a chin herpe), but a bangover that lasted for days.

Now, I’m not saying I want a 60 second man, but I like a guy who comes hard and then cums hard in about 10 minutes.

The Cuddle Rapist

Posted by Heather in cuddle, rape, rapist


Once I had this friend over at my apartment to watch a movie.  Now when I say “friend” I mean “guy I wouldn’t fuck unless he was the last man on earth and my vibrator was broken.”

The DVD player in my living room was broken, so we had to watch it in the bedroom.  As soon as the credits finished rolling, he wrapped himself around me like a boa constrictor.

“I’m not going to fuck you,” I said loudly, making sure he wasn’t getting any XXX ideas.  ”Don’t worry, I don’t want to fuck — I just want to cuddle.”

I obviously thought this was just his way of getting me in bed (after all, spooning leads to forking), but he seemed sincere.

“Ok, but the minute you pop wood, I’m kicking you out.”  ”Deal,” he said.

So we lie there for about the entire first half of the movie — and nothing.  No wood.  Not even a little chub.  I started to get pissed.  This had never happened to me before.  Who the hell is he not to get turned on by having his dick pressed against my ass?

So I turned off the movie and fucked him.

Sound Off

Posted by Heather in noise, sexpression, sound


I know some of you depraved bitches like a little dirty talk during sex, but I prefer to hear only my man’s moans in bed.

Course, not ALL sexpressions get you even wetter.  Some of the sounds guys make during sex are downright laugh-out-loud hilarious.

A few years ago, I was dating this Ecaudorian guy and once we finally stripped down to our chonies and hopped in bed, the sex was spicier than that burrito I ate one time in San Francisco that made me shit my pants.

But I digress.

I was on top, grinding away, and I could see his eyes start to roll back inside his head.  I knew he was close but I was totally unprepared for the sound that came out of his mouth.

In a high-pitched voice (like a girl’s), he screamed:

“Aiiiii aiiiiiiiii aaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!”

Typing it doesn’t even do it justice.  Lemme provide some aural aid (go to about the :56 mark):

So needless to say, I burst out laughing right in his face as he was cumming.

“What?” he asked me.

I didn’t want to hurt his feelings so I said the first thing I could think of.  ”Sorry, but whenever I’m about to cum, I giggle.”

Soooo, yeah, the next three times we did it that night, he “Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-ed” and I giggled.  After about the fifth time, it was no longer funny.  So I told him I didn’t like to sleep with Latin chicks and I kicked him out.

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve heard a guy (or girl) say to you in bed?

Rule #22: When it Comes to Guys, Always Go for Dicks Over Pussies

Posted by Heather in Rule #22: When it Comes to Guys Always Go for Dicks Over Pussies


There are pretty much just two types of guys in the world:

Dicks and Pussies.

Dicks are those dirty hot guys who never call after fucking you, text another girl while they’re out with you, and after you hadn’t heard from them for two whole months, ask to borrow $500 (which you happily oblige, only for the chance to have a deja fuck.)

A Pussy calls you every night at the same time, asks your permission before kissing you and refuses to let you pay for dinner.

But I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again — ALL men cheat, even the nice, ugly ones.  You’re gonna get fucked over no matter what, so might as well get fucked by the big Dick while you can!

The Contest

Posted by Heather in contest, vajazzle, vajazzling


My friend Niki and I just got vajazzled and during post-cooter-glitter cocktails, we decided we’d make a wager to see who could last the longest without losing a crystal (i.e. having sex) much like the Seinfeld masturbation contest.

My hornier than thou boyfriend is coming over in an hour.  What do you want to bet I’m the first one out?

UPDATE: Niki, I owe you $100.

Rule #21: Don’t Be Afraid To F*ck On The First Date

Posted by Heather in Rule #21: Don't Be Afraid To F*ck On The First Date

fuck on the first date

Who the hell came up with the three date rule as the standard time a girl’s got to wait to get off with a new guy?  I say, fuck the rules and fuck on the first date if you want to.

I have a girlfriend, D, who’s so fucking patient, she waited a whole year for her perfect motorcycle-riding guy to break up with his imperfect girlfriend.  Course, she did help things along a bit in the break-up department with the aid of a gallon of mudslides, a hot tub and the girl’s ex-boyfriend, but the very minute his Facebook status changed from “In A Relationship” to “It’s Complicated,” she called and asked him out to drinks.

“It was the best date of my life,” she later told me.  ”The sex was hot?” I asked.  “No, we didn’t do it.”

I practically choked on my Xantini.  ”What the fuck do you mean, your vagina waited patiently for a year for this dude and didn’t do him?”

“It’s the first date,” she said, “I’m waiting until the third, I don’t want him to think I’m a slut!”

Date number two came but she didn’t, and after, my girl starts getting prepped for the big date #3.  She waxes, she plucks, she tans.  Hell, she even got her asshole bleached.

The next day, bright and early, I called her up.

“So?  Is your pussy sore?”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” she said, sounding depressed.  ”What?  He had a micro-dick?”

“Worse.  He’s dead.”

Apparently her bike-riding hottie got into a horrible accident the day of their sex date and his dick was being buried (along with the rest of him) before she’d ever gotten the chance to wrap her cooch around it.

Bottom line is men all leave one way or another.  So why wait for some arbitrary date to get off? Might as well have some fun and get laid while you can!

Orgasms: The Cure for the Common Cold

Posted by Heather in cold, common, cure, orgasms


I have a guy friend who swears that shooting off a wad helps cure his cold.  I guess it’s just something about flushing out those fluids.

Well, I recently had the opportunity to test his theory since I’ve had the nastiest cold for almost a week.  Hot, right?  Yeah, my boyfriend doesn’t really think so either, so I’ve been left to my own devices to try this home remedy.

Last night, I pulled out one of said devices, and despite having to pause every minute or so for the violent cough that wracked my body, I was able to get off.

I swear, for the next hour, I didn’t cough once.  Not once!

Course, I’m not feeling so great today, so I guess I’ll just have to spend some time trying this cure again tonight…

Must Have: Pubic Panties

Posted by Heather in panties, pubes


I always keep my shit clean and (mostly) pube free but I would be lying if I said I didn’t miss my bush every once in a while, especially on cold winter nights when the chill goes from your ice cold nipples down to your bare beaver.

Well, now I can have my Brazilian and my bush too — thanks to Pubic Panties by Finnish art duo Tärähtäneet Ämmät!

But these beauties aren’t just for winter, with bikini season arriving, I can already feel my box getting lonely in my briefs.  Forget vajazzling, I’m going to trick out my twat with one of these babies instead!

Source: Flash Glam Trash