I know some of you depraved bitches like a little dirty talk during sex, but I prefer to hear only my man's moans in bed.
Course, not ALL sexpressions get you even wetter. Some of the sounds guys make during sex are downright laugh-out-loud hilarious.
A few years ago, I was dating this Ecaudorian guy and once we finally stripped down to our chonies and hopped in bed, the sex was spicier than that burrito I ate one time in San Francisco that made me shit my pants.
But I digress.
I was on top, grinding away, and I could see his eyes start to roll back inside his head. I knew he was close but I was totally unprepared for the sound that came out of his mouth.
In a high-pitched voice (like a girl's), he screamed:
"Aiiiii aiiiiiiiii aaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!"
Typing it doesn't even do it justice. Lemme provide some aural aid (go to about the :56 mark):
So needless to say, I burst out laughing right in his face as he was cumming.
"What?" he asked me.
I didn't want to hurt his feelings so I said the first thing I could think of. "Sorry, but whenever I'm about to cum, I giggle."
Soooo, yeah, the next three times we did it that night, he "Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-ed" and I giggled. After about the fifth time, it was no longer funny. So I told him I didn't like to sleep with Latin chicks and I kicked him out.
What's the weirdest thing you've heard a guy (or girl) say to you in bed?