A vibrator can be a girl's best friend. But what happens when you're really horny and your trusty vibe runs out of batteries? -- Or you loaned it out to your neighbor for her Carribbean vacay, and she won't be back for another three days?
Well, don't worry, girls, several common household items found around the kitchen, bath and laundry room can be MacGuyvered into a vibrator when you just have to get off:

1) Cell phone (duh.) Set it to vibrate and make sure you've got a home phone or a good friend who will dial over and over and over until you answer the call.

2) Hand mixer. It already resembles the
Hitachi Magic Wand (the Cadillac of vibes), so plug in and go! Just make sure you use the top end, you wouldn't want to give yourself a clitoridectomy with those blades!

3) Washing machine. Wait until it hits spin cycle then go rub your vag up against it like it was Johnny Depp! It may take a whole role of quarters to get you off but slow and steady wins the orgasm race!

4) Electric toothbrush. I've tried this one before and it works. Of course, you probably know better than to use the bristled end, my mouth tasted like vagina for about a week after.

5) The Schick Quattro TrimStyle, a razor and waterproof bikini trimmer in one. Like the geniuses at Schick didn't know what would happen when women stepped into the shower with one of these vibrating babies! (Again, watch the blades!)
When I was younger and living at home, I used to use my dad's back massager.
my hair dryer cord vibrates slightly...guess who's hair is always washed lol
Wait, you let other people use your vibrator?
A loud speaker can work nicely. Best way to rock one out is to play something with a little bass!
Maybe I'm old fashioned...I have a nice removable shower head.
Pretty much! I'm a big fan of the shower head, or tub faucet.
I have to agree, Im a faucet girl.. no razors or bristles to watch out for, and it doesnt use up minutes on my cell, haha.
All you need to do is ask and I'm sure there a lot of guys out there like me that love to lick and tease. It sure is more fun when you can just relax and enjoy a rousing, gushing, leg trembling orgasm!
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