Monday, January 4, 2010

Rule #6: Be The Last Woman Standing

If you wanna get the guy, you better be prepared to stay at the bar, the club, the party, even work until the bitter end. Because, as I said before, good dick is hard to find, and if you're not willing to put in the time, there'll be another bitch who will.

Once I was on a weekend stalkapalooza of my loser crush of the moment. After two straight days of drinking and hangovers, I finally found him Monday night at Bigfoot Lodge.

When I spotted him, he was chatting up this bitchy anorexic girl -- who, incidentally, had slept with two of my friends' boyfriends. She was looking at him like he was the one M&M she had for lunch, but I wasn't deterred. I stuck by his side as he ordered round after round, but Rex wasn't budging either. She matched me vodka tonic for vodka tonic. Now anyone who's ever had a drink with me knows I can't hold my liquor but I was damned if I was gonna lose a drinking competition to a 90-pound whore!

By last call, she was swaying and staggering, so I followed her to the bathroom where I bribed an alkie to hold the door shut, then I went out and told my crush she left with someone else. I was the last woman standing, so he ended up taking me home.

Sure, I puked in his bed and he kicked me out before the P went into the V, but at least I won!


Welcome to Chicago, Jillinois said...

Marry me.

Heather said...

Abso-fucking-lutely. Meet you in Iowa? ;)

Toad734 said...

So you didn't get the dude?? She may not have won but neither did you.

Anonymous said...

what a C U Next Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

Funny story. She did exactly what her rule states. So she won.

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