Sunday, December 6, 2009

Tales From The Trenches: Two Free Drinks Are Better Than One

GG2D reader Madelyn wrote in about her attempt to score free drinks at Barney's Beanery in West Hollywood, and although a free drink from one loser is still a free drink, a free drink from two losers are TWO free drinks!
"I went to Barneys Beanery to watch the Steelers game last weekend and inadvertently saddled up at the bar BETWEEN two guys who had some kind of beef or unpleasant history with each other... Loser #1 was standing next to my girlfriend and offered to buy us tequila shots before we even said hello. He was making weird faces at Loser #2 who was standing on the other side of me, and offered to buy us a round of cocktails almost as soon as we finished the shots! 'What's up with you two,"' I asked Loser #2 who was giving #1 the side eye at this point. 'I just don't like him,' Loser #2 replied. Suddenly, we were caught in between a war over who could buy us the next round, and needless to say, we were totally enjoying it and more than a little wasted! Suddenly, Loser #2 throws a punch over us at Loser #1, and they BOTH got removed by security from the bar. The bartender felt so bad we got caught in the middle that he offered us another round on the house! The next thing I remember is waking up in the bartender's bed wearing nothing but a big chunk of puke in my hair..."
That reminds me of another Rule: Don't Shit Where You Drink. But that's for another post...


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