Forget about Private Dicks, Depraved Girls make the best detectives.
It's a lot easier to nail a cheater or stalk your latest lust in the world of Facebook and Twitter when people broadcast their every little move 24/7, but what happens when he's blocked you?
Well, figuring out a guy's password is a lot easier than you think. Being the simple creatures that they are, men frequently use their names, favorite sports teams or even own phone numbers.
But if that doesn't work, my girl S. has figured out a way to get access to his phone records faster than a Pellicano wiretap. Wait until he's passed out drunk, then go to his cell service provider's website. Type in his phone number to "reset password" and wait for the text to come through on his phone. They text you the new password then voila! Instant access to all of his phone records. I can't tell you how many convos she had with hookers after calling the numbers he dialed frequently on "boys night out."
Hi-tech spying is good -- and effective -- but I prefer old-fashioned fuckery myself. Back in the day, my friend M. and I were the master of the threeway -- calling that is. I'd have her on mute as I called her cheating ex or her stalkee-of-the-month to grill him about his whereabouts. She'd IM me with specific questions so I'd know just what to ask to ellicit a desired response. Somehow, despite my 3 second delay, they never suspected.
But I've found that sometimes the most obvious spy shit is the most useful. Chances are your target has a hard-up friend who will gladly tell you everything you want to know for a night of bottomless PBRs.