Meet Miss February, Special K. She's so depraved that we had to keep her identity a secret to prevent her various boy toys getting wise to her whorish ways!
NAME: Special K
AGE: 31
DEPRAVED RULE YOU LIVE BY: When a man wants you he wants you, and he will do anything to get you.
THE MOST DEPRAVED THING YOU'VE EVER DONE TO GET A GUY: I had recently been dumped (shocking I know) by my longtime boyfriend, and I was having trouble getting back my mojo. A good friend of mine had met a fellow art student and convinced him to model nude for a private studio session. Being the serious artists that we were, we had plenty of box wine, music, and a video camera you know to keep things professional, as we documented a night of debauchery. Well the young model came to reveal one of this biggest dicks I ever seen to this day. Not one to shy away from a challenge I began to feel like my old slutbucket self and started flirting with him after polishing off half a box of wine. Halfway through the shoot we decided to paint him for artistic purposes of course. Fast forward to the end of the shoot model does a superb job and heads to the bathroom to shower. My inner slut gave me the confidence to walk into the bathroom uninvited while he showered. I could taste the dick as I pushed back the shower curtain and in my most seductive voice I asked if he needed any help getting clean. I hopped in the shower with him and went for the D, it was exhilarating to have a dick that big in my hands. That orgasm I had in the shower was just the trick I needed to get back being a true slut. An hour later I emerged from the shower with paint in my hair and a new level of slut appeared.
THE MOST DEPRAVED THING YOU'VE EVER DONE TO GET REVENGE ON A GUY: I had found out my boyfriend had cheated on me after I had stood through his Erectile dysfunction problems. To say I was pissed was an understatement. With the help of a good friend I went back to his apartment to retrieve my belongings or so I told him to gain access. He decided it would be better if he wasn't there...I started ransacking the apartment....my girlfriend being a law student advised me not to damage personal property as she did not have enough for bail. With rage in my eyes I came across his condom stash, then I had the bright idea...I found a safety pin and popped several little holes in all the condoms then I placed them back neatly were they belonged and hoped they did their trick. Then I went to his laptop hacked into his email account and sent a letter to his entire address book family, friends, co-workers, and professor explaining in detail his erectile dysfunction problem, the subject line read things you should know about a limp dick. Several years later we are still good friends and we occasionally have a good laugh.
Sounds like Special K has already mastered Rule #13: There's More Than One Way to Fuck a Man!