Several years ago, I met this guy at a party. He was wearing long sleeves in August, but he was cute, funny and straight, so I gave him my number.
A few nights later he booty-called me at 11pm. "Come over," he said. "I wanna lick you for so long that your pussy's gonna prune."
"I'm leaving now," I said, pulling on my ankle boots. "Where do you live?"
The Valley??? Asshole tricked me with a 323 area code! But I was horny, and I was ready to go so I got in my car and made the 20 mile trek from Hollywood.
I got there around midnight and he immediately pounced on me (once again, wearing long sleeves.) We were making out pretty heavily, and I was naked before I knew it. He was still fully clothed, so I reached for his shirt, pulled it over his head and revealed the FURRIEST CHEST I'D EVER SEEN!
Now, I'm not opposed to a little chest hair (it's actually quite sexy on some guys) but this guy was covered neck to wrist in a thick pelt. Taking off his shirt was like opening a can of Pillsbury Crescent Rolls, you hear a pop and then all this hair just explodes out of its container.
It dried me up quicker than Accutane. Seriously, I was completely turned off. I was tempted to leave right then and there. But I had driven all that way...
So I gave him a blowjob and then I bolted.
If I have to drive more than a mile in any direction I better be getting off.
i drove about 200 miles in Georgia for a meet and greet, turns out the chick had posted a 10 year old pic on her profile, was married and had rotting black teeth. all she kept talking about was kicking guy's asses. i made my excuses and RAN!!!
If I have to get off the couch and walk further than the fridge I better be getting off...
nup too far...
10 km is too far for me and thats only 6 miles to you guys
A chest rug? Ew, that's the worst. Lord only knows what his back will look like in five years...
Kudos for taking his wookie cookie!
Wow, so A guy disgusts you and you end up going down on him??? Seems backwards.
This made me think of this blog:
I'm loving your blog.
I'll definitely be following.
Check out mine. I think you'd especially love it:
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