Sunday, December 27, 2009

Gay or British?

You know how sometimes you spot a hot guy, but he's sporting about 10 ounces of man-gel, a "gank top" (gay tank top) or a button-down so you immediately assume he's gay?

Well, sometimes he's not gay, he's just British -- and you walked away from some perfectly willing dick!

You really can't be sure until you get close enought to hear an accent, but if you don't want to make the walk across the room only to find out he likes butt sex more than you do, here's a few clues you can spot from a distance:

a) Teeth. (Duh!) My gays like a bright, straight smile.
b) Shoes. British guys like gayer footwear than the gays. If he's wearing Converse, chances are he's playing for the other team.
c) Beer bellies. The Brits tend to be a bit soft. If he's got one, he could be straight.

See if you can correctly ID the sexual orientation/nationality of the guys in the above photos.

(Answers after the jump)


Heather said...

1. The trick in the photo doesn't make this a trick question. He's a straight Brit.

2. British and (allegedly) straight.

3. Gay.

4. Gay.

5. Would you believe he's British, not gay?

6. Ditto.

7. Gay.

Anonymous said...

Not gay or British...just douchebags in general.

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