Saturday, April 17, 2010

Orgasms: The Cure for the Common Cold


I have a guy friend who swears that shooting off a wad helps cure his cold.  I guess it's just something about flushing out those fluids.

Well, I recently had the opportunity to test his theory since I've had the nastiest cold for almost a week.  Hot, right?  Yeah, my boyfriend doesn't really think so either, so I've been left to my own devices to try this home remedy.

Last night, I pulled out one of said devices, and despite having to pause every minute or so for the violent cough that wracked my body, I was able to get off.

I swear, for the next hour, I didn't cough once.  Not once!

Course, I'm not feeling so great today, so I guess I'll just have to spend some time trying this cure again tonight...


  1. Wow, good to know. I guess the next time I get sick, I might actually be happy about it :)
  2. Technically speaking, are you able to "flush out the fluids" as well?
  3. of course, when us girls cum, we start leaking a certain pussy juice like crazy.