Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Rule #27: Don't Act New


The days of women pretending to be inexperienced virgins to get a guy interested in them are over. This is 2010. Even Hannah Montana is letting her pussy lips flap free in the wind.

And there's nothing more unattractive than a woman who's ashamed of her past experience.

Now, I've got nothing against actual virgins, just sluts who pretend they're far more innocent than they are to get a guy.

I'm sure some men are intimidated by an inexperienced woman, but if that's the case, either move on to someone who can handle your shit or practice the what he know won't hurt him rule -- just keep your number to yourself!

One of my friends in high school used to tell every guy she hooked up with that she was a virgin, so "be gentle." Well, that may have worked in high school but when she's out in the clubs, a drink in one hand and a coke straw in the other, that shit just looks stupid and desperate.

Be who you are, whether your number is zero or two zero zero.

As for my number? That's one secret I'll never tell.

But feel free to reveal yours in the comments below!


  1. Ohhhhhh-so this is why you pulled out the double header on date #2?
  2. hahahhahaha!!!
  3. My number,,,,


    And i'm the rype young age of 18 !
  4. I don't know my number. Seriously. Is that bad?
  5. What's funny about "the number" is how strange of a reaction I get when I neither ask how many men they've been with, nor want the answer when they decide they need to share the information.

    Besides my concern of getting some sort of dick-rot, the number means nothing to me. Seriously. I'm just glad I'm with them at that moment.

    What's strange is how that complete lack of interest, combined with my unwillingness to discuss my own sexual history (besides a couple of amusing anecdotes), can create an incredible amount of tension within the relationship. Call it jealousy if you want, I'm not even sure if that's what it is.

    My primary concern is, and always has been, to be the most memorable I can be with the woman that I'm with at that moment. The past will take care of itself.

    As to "inexperienced" women who claim not to know what they're doing, I have no time for that foolishness. If I wanted to see an act, I'd go watch a movie.
