Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Are You A Thrill-Fucker?


Do you like to have sex in public places?

I never thought I was into thrill-fucking, mostly because I'm not into getting caught.  But then I realized that I do love to engage in more than a little PDA: Public Displays of Ass.


Being inducted into the mile-high club usually takes place in a tiny plane bathroom -- but have you ever done it right there in your seat?  Fucking SARS foiled my favorite plane position when they took away the free blankets but next time bring your own, wait for the seatbelt sign to go off and then get off.


My little Prius has seen more action than Roman Polanski at a sweet sixteen party.  This is an all-time favorite of mine, I'll do it in the backseat, in the front seat, parked in the parking lot of a mall or off the highway in the middle of the desert.


Although I have done it a few times before in the bathroom of a Thai food place (gross), and the Hotel Cafe, I continually fantasize about higher-end places to have sex in a public bathroom.  My top two must-dos are the bathroom in the SLS hotel lobby (mirrors from floor to ceiling) and the frosted glass stalls at the co-ed Crunch Fitness bathroom.


I've come close but have never actually come outside, either on the beach or in the park.  I really don't want to wash sand out of my naughty parts for days and grass gives me a rash that my partner may suspect is the herp, so I tend to stay away from those two areas  But if you've got a blankie, I say go ahead and get some spankie.

Where else have you tried/fantasized about sex in a public place?  And how did it (or you) go off?

Photo via fyeahsex


Anonymous said...

My ex and I did it in the driveway on the hood of the car in the pouring rain. As soon as we finished, our neighbor got out of his car and waved to us with a sheepish grin. I love getting off al fresco.

Anonymous said...

My then girlfriend and I did it in the back seat of a bus going through the Lincoln Tunnel...

Anonymous said...

I've done it several times while driving on an expressway. I sat straddling the two bucket seat and looked under her right arm (girl must have small ass to avoid bumping into the steering wheel which could have disasterous results) while she faces backwards. Must have cruise control of course.

Anonymous said...

At an elementary school after hours, with my then boyfriend.. I don't recommend concrete.

Anonymous said...

Several hotel hot tubs. Once during a dark, crappy spook house ride. It was much more fun that way!

Anonymous said...

How is doing it in a bar bathroom not gross compared to a Thai food restaurant?

Anonymous said...

Did it on the hood of my sports car in a county park. Had to sneak in there at nite and towards the end some old geezers were walking but didn't approach. One more wild memory from a very decadent youth!

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