Monday, April 12, 2010

Rule # 20: Flake On Him Before He Flakes On You


Why sit around with that horrible pit in your stomach (heretofore known as "the pit") wondering if he's going to blow off the plans he made with you tonight when you can just cut that shit off first and feel like the flaker instead of the flakee?

The day of what was supposed to be my first date with my now-ex-boyfriend, I still hadn't heard from him by the late afternoon.  So I called up my friend, M, who had some great intel that he had been out partying with tina all night until 2 -- that's 2 PM -- and was about to call me to cancel. "Call him first," she wisely advised me. "That way you're the one who flaked on him."

I speed-dialed him. Before he could even get a word out, I vomited the best excuse I could think of on the spot: "Yeah, my grandmother, she dropped acid and freaked out and hijacked a school bus full of ... penguins so it's kind of a family crisis..."  Who knows if he bought it or if he was relieved I did it to him first, but it worked.  Not only did "the pit" instantly disappear, but I like to think that he was the one who was now freaking out that I was blowing him off!

We made plans again for the next week and after our reskedded first date, we were inseparable for the next two years. Although in this particular cheating-stripper-fucking case, I may have just been better off if I'd let him blow me off first!


flowersforhomes said...

great post and great photo....... thanks!!!!!

Ellen said...

But not everyone has an "M" to give them a heads up! How else can this work?!

The Cuntessa said...

No "M" necessary: If he doesn't call you by 4pm the day of the date, call him first and flake!

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