Thursday, July 22, 2010

Rule #28: Never Fall For Your F*ck Buddy

Never fall for your fuck buddy

I've said it before and I'll say it again: a good steady fuck can be harder to find than a pair of dry panties at a Jonas Brothers concert, so why ruin a good thing by trying to get all romantical on the guy?

My friend Teresa made this very mistake not too long ago when she started to develop "feelings" for her fuck and decided to invite him out on a date.

There was dinner, there was drinks, but at the end of the night, there was no dick. She said it felt "weird" to have sex with him at the end of what was officially their first date (even though you should never be afraid to fuck on the first date.)

Now, this was a guy whose tongue had been so far inside her vagina that she said it felt like he was licking her ovary, but suddenly she's shy?

This went on for another date or so, and then suddenly, he was no longer asking to come inside (or cum inside.) At first, she thought he was being sweet and gentlemanly, but after date number 5, she was horny and concerned.

"Why don't you want to have sex?" She blurted out one night after five mojitos. "Well, I'm dating you now," he said. "Yeah, and?"

"Well, when I was fucking you, I was seeing someone else. Now that we're dating, I'm fucking someone else," he explained. No joke.

So after our pity party when she barfed up two vicodins, three vodka tonics and a Ben & Jerry's, I asked her if getting dumped by a douche was worth losing some amazing sex.

Her answer?

"I'd rather get fucked than fucked over."

So let this be a lesson to you ladies! Don't ever fall for your fuck buddy!

Have you ever fallen for your fuck buddy? Did it turn out like Teresa's dick disaster?


Carrie B said...

I am so on my way to fall for him... but we do it the otherway, have dinner and the fuck. He explains that he is not over his ex. But he like the company, I do it as well. But really I want more. I know he sleeps around to. And I have to, but it is just to not fall in love with him. I don't feel guilty, but I want to meet someone who is all about me. He want to eat the cake but still keep it. Dosn't work that way...

LaurelinSki said...

I try to do this in some horrible desperation when whoever I'm dating at the time stops fucking me. I pretty much have begged and pleaded with the last 3 or so boyfriends, and when I was sick of hearing "no" I would go find it somewhere else. But then it starts to feel like, "Well, this guy really digs me because we're having sex all the time. The guy I'm dating hates me because we don't touch each other anymore." So, I've tried to leave my boyfriend for my fuck buddy. Man, they REALLY get scared when you do that! 0_o

JustAMom said...

Met a guy a while ago, who woo-ed me, then said he wanted no relationship. Well, I wanted to fuck him anyway cause he's way hot. And I'd be okay with just fucking. But he would call me and talk to me and share his day and blah blah. Now, all we do is talk, no fucking. It's getting old, cause I do like him and could fall for him. So, if he didn't want a relationship why did he start one? If I wanted to talk and not have sex, I'd stay married!

Anonymous said...

god i'd hate to fall for him.. what a terrible idea.
one minute your'e the cool uncomplicated sex and then you're that girl who's shockingly changed into a complicated disaster. poor him and poor girl falling for a guy who's already made it clear that he wants the no-srings sex.

Rachel said...

I lost my virginity to a guy who had a girlfriend.
We knew each other for two weeks prior, although I heard about him through a friend a year before then. We fucked for two and a half months. Then after spring break he broke up with both of us.
I fell for him. I encouraged him to break up with her.
And after he did, he just completely ignored me.
Twas fucking lame.
It's been six months. I don't think I'm over it.

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